
Monday, 29 July 2013

Learning how to col

Hi guys we have rain at last so its cooler than it as at last
As you can see someone not me has done some colouring
I have been teaching my nephews how to col with pencils
this is there work for today not bad for a 9 year old and a 15 year
so I have not got any crafting done but hope to be back to normal (what ever that is)
by Friday.

Thank you for stopping by 
Love & Hugs 


Zoe said...

Wow! That's fab, even got the shading in, well done you, I can't colour very well, let alone teach someone lol xx

Linda Simpson said...

Well done you, I bet you enjoyed your time with your nephews. They did fabulously.

Linda xxx

Andree said...

Well done to your nephews Nicky. The images are fabulous. Colouring can be such a relaxing pastime and they've obviously enjoyed themselves x

Kate M said...

Their colouring puts mine to shame - not one of my talents I'm afraid!!
Well done boys!!

Holley (Tondre) Barnhart said...

That's so sweet. I love working with my family, esp the kids on crafting, particularly card making. They get all sorts of little kits from me so they can make their own cards and gifts to give people. I love it when they take photos to share what they made. Cheers, Holley

Miradormakings said...

Sounds like a fun day and well done to your nephews.

Joan x

Unknown said...

WOW, how wonderful that your nephews are learning from you hun, fabulous work, thank you for letting us share this xxx

jane stillman said...

Fabulous stuff from your nephews, but then they have a great teacher x

KarinsArtScrap said...

so sweet Nicky.

greetings karin

Laine said...

So cute.

Jan said...

Well done they look great! I'm not very good at it but love colouring and find it very therapeutic xx Jan